Friday 24 August 2012

Blog Entry #2 - Author's Context, Popularity and Audience

The Power of One was written by Bryce Courtenay who based the book on much of his own life. Courtenay experienced many similar emotions and situations as Peekay did in this bildungsroman. Courtenay was born in 1933 in South Africa and was in a similar situation to Peekay. He grew up as an illegitimate child which in those days was considered shameful and was sent to a boarding school where he learned to survive. Just like Peekay, Courtenay moved to Barberton after boarding school. He met a perpetually drunk man called ‘Doc’ in the hills behind his house and they spent a lot of time together, just like Peekay does in the book. Courtenay then went to a private high school and attended an English University. While at this university he fell in love with an Australian woman, Benita, and followed her back to Australia. The main similarity between Courtenay and Peekay is that they both suffered as a result of racism.
            Courtenay’s own attitudes, values and beliefs are reflected in the text and his writing was influenced by his own personal context. By growing up in those certain circumstances, he is able to voice his personal experiences, which makes this story more realistic. This is a very powerful tool because then the story seems more real and the reader feels they are a part of the story. While I was reading this story, it didn’t take me long to become engrossed in the novel and for a while I actually thought that the story was based on a true story. I guess in a way it kind of is; it is based on the life of Bryce Courtenay.
Even though we had to study this book for English class, I was looking forward to reading it. I had heard of the title before and also of the author. I knew both of these were well-known so I thought it should be interesting to see what all the fuss was about. I was also given a very fat copy of the book published by Penguin Books which got me a little excited. I think the reason why this book is so popular among audiences is because it can make you cringe, smile, laugh, cry and empathise in a very short section of text. The story has sold millions of copies and many glowing reviews have followed. One certain review by Clive Turner shows just how much the book was appreciated: ‘By far one of the best books that I have read in a long time. The story gives an interesting insight into the struggle between black and white South Africans and the lengths that some people will go to bridge that gap and prove that above all colour does not matter…’ Many other reviews on the novel follow this same suit and though bad reviews are around they are quite rare. Popularity is achieved though the way the themes and ideas are portrayed to the reader in an interesting and emotional way. Courtenay has pulled his readers into the story by playing on their emotions and by presenting the themes of the story in a realistic manner. 
When writing The Power of One, Courtenay intended it to be read by the older population of Australia; however his book reached a much larger audience. It is clear by the language in the story that would not be suitable for children. It is also clear from reading the book that the style of writing would not appeal to the younger audience. The story line is such that it can appeal to a wide range of personalities so many different people can enjoy the story. Adults can appreciate and understand the promoted themes and values while young adults can enjoy the thought-provoking circumstances and events that transpire through Peekay’s life. 

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